I am kinda fickle about my granola. Reason #1 being that I don't like raisins. I also don't like it to be too sweet, it has to have enough nuts, yada yada yada.
I found some local granola that I like, but it doesn't really jive with me (unsuccessfully) trying to cut back on the grains and gluten in general. (why cut back on gluten? meh, why not)
Enter this recipe:
A Foothill Home Companion: Grain Free Granola
I don't have any step by step pictures for you right now, mostly because I am still munching my way through a batch, but trust me when I tell you that IT IS SOOOOOOO EASYYYY.
My fiancé dubbed me a hippy for making my own granola (I guess this IS kinda the epitome of "granola crunchy"), but whatever, labels can suck it.
Anyway, here are a few tips for a successful batch o' granola from this recipe:
- DO NOT JUST SET THE TIMER TO 30 MINUTES AND WANDER OFF TO PLUCK YOUR EYEBROWS OR WHATEVER. I did this... and ended up with like $10 worth of supplies burned to a crisp? Do you KNOW how many grande skinny vanilla lattes $10 buys!? (answer: 2). I can't honestly give you a specific time frame, but this shiz takes no more than 15 mins to bake, swear. My advice is to keep an eye on it, especially as it starts to get fragrant.
- I swapped out pecans for sunflower seeds, bc pecans are awesome and sunflower seeds look exactly like pumpkin seeds to me and this recipe already has pumpkin seeds so WTF?
- may I suggest adding extra coconut, if that's your thing? Because if it is, the coconut makes this recipe
- I personally used butter/honey, so no comments on the other options
Anyway, this stuff is seriously so good. PLUS, no wonky preservatives. PLUS you know exactly what went in it. Winner winner chicken dinner!